Monday, January 12, 2009

I Already Know How to Pray, Right?

Last night at the end of choir practice, our worship leader introduced a man to us who is at the very least a "prayer guru." After listening to him list the many people, organizations,...countries he has taught how to pray more effectively, I wanted to hear more. He has been mentoring some of our church staff in that area for some time now. Sadly, I don't remember his name, so I'll just have to refer to him as Mr. Prayer Guru.

I've always thought of myself as a good pray-er. I mean, I do it...which is half the battle. But honestly, alot of the time it feels like I do it by rote...not really expecting God to move in any 'miraculous' way because of little ol' me's prayer. Sometimes it feels obligatory...praying for the safety of all my family, our provision...blah, blah, blah. How sad is that? That prayer has become so same song, second verse? I've had conversations with my boys about not saying the same thing in every prayer...yet I find myself doing the same thing. To invoke the powers, I have to say my special chant...much like the "Oh zephyr winds which blow on high, lift me now, so I can fly" chant from Mighty Isis days...afraid if I leave the request for safety out, they might not be kept safe.

Then Mr. Prayer Guru had us do something I hadn't done in a long time. We were to go with 1 or 2 other people into the sanctuary and letting the Holy Spirit tell us what to pray. You see prayer has become one of those things that gets cut short by my "to do" list. I only have limited time during the day, so I must budget it accordingly. It hurts to admit say it out loud. But it's true.

A couple of other girls and I sat down in the sanctuary where our youth normally sit. Almost immediately, God began putting things on my heart to pray for our youth...the ordinary, yes, but out of the ordinary too. I can't tell you when I have specifically prayed for the youth of our church, but they weren't prayers for safety or provision. They were prayers for deliverance, and strength to stand against Satan's attacks. They were prayers that they would become leaders who would stand up against sin...and that they wouldn't bicker among themselves. They were prayers for purity and conviction.

That exercise helped me see...I've been in my prayer box for too to the four walls of my every day, run of the mill, requests. No more. I can no longer be limited to pray what is only listed in numerical order in my prayer journal. I will approach the Savior with the extravagant prayers...the unfathomable dreams and visions. I will pray believing...for miracles and change.

I'm praying for something big this year. What are you praying for?


Anonymous said...

Gina, how awesome this is, and thank you for writing it and posting it. I am really sorry that I missed choir practice. Just today we had Susan Abernethy at our 39'ers and she talked to us about prayer. she and her husband have the prayer ministry at church. God is telling me to, i believe, to pray more and to get out of the "prayer box." Thank you and I love you. Dad

Denyse said...

Amazing. Thanks for sharing. I needed that. A lot.