Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Flying High

This week I will do the thing that scares me probably more than anything in life...flying. I know most of you do not share this fear because even while I am laughing and trying to make jokes on the outside that I'm scared (and the worst stomach ache ever on the inside), I hear a plethora of responses..."you'll be fine," "it's such a short flight," "nothing bad's gonna happen,", and perhaps the best from my brother-in-law, "suck it up." Okay, I KNOW ALL OF THIS. But isn't that the way it is with most fears? Generally they are unfounded and silly, but that doesn't help...because I'm enclosed in a metal tube thousands of miles in the air with no option to get out when I want. And I know I'm supposed to have faith and depend on God to calm me...and I really try. But for the most part, I would really just like to take an enormous amount of drugs and be incoherent for the ride. Somehow I don't think my boss or co-workers would appreciate that side of me in our meetings.

About 15 years ago, I was on a Southwest Airlines flight headed for Houston to visit my parents. This was a surprise visit...the ticket had been purchased by a friend of mine and sent to me so I could surprise them for a special service they were having at their church. We were about 25 minutes into the 50 minute flight, and there was a loud "boom." That is not a sound that is supposed to happen when you are thousands of miles up in the air. I wasn't sure to panic until I saw the flight attendants start going up and down the aisle very quickly...back and forth to the cockpit...collecting drinks and trash along the way. They weren't being all perky and cute anymore...so I KNOW something is wrong. Within minutes, the pilot had turned the plane around and we were heading back to Dallas. The pilot came on and said that one of the engines had blown out. I'm not a mechanic, but I'm pretty sure that airplanes only have 2 engines, and if one of them blew, what would prevent the other from doing so, especially with so much pressure being put on it for having to perform for two? And I'm not an engineer, but without engines, I don't think those airplanes glide very well.

About 10 minutes before we were to land, we were told to put our heads between our knees and brace ourselves. There were many firetrucks and ambulances waiting on the runway for us when we made it to the ground...thankfully, safely. All I could think of was that my parents didn't even know I was on the plane...I hadn't prepared to die that day...they would probably be mad at my friend for buying me the ticket...heck, I'm mad at my friend for buying me the ticket...I left my apartment a mess...I'm glad I have on clean underwear, and yeah...I really don't want to die this way. I had to immediately get on another flight to make it in time for the service, and then fly home later that night...which I did while quietly sobbing the entire flight.

I told myself I would not let my fear get the best of me, and I've flown several times since then but it is certainly not my favorite mode of transportation. I have been known to grab perfect strangers on either side of me when the plane takes a sudden drop or hits an air pocket. Yeah, that's not good.

Not only have I had my most frightening experience on a plane, but I've also had my most embarrassing moment on a plane. When I went away to college in Missouri, my roommate's dad died unexpectedly about our second or third week there. She and I flew home within hours of finding out, and we had a stop somewhere between Missouri and Austin, TX. We were not supposed to get off the plane, and so I made a quick trip to the restroom while we were stopped. Evidently I was unsure how to properly lock the restroom door because while I was sitting there...you know...the door opens and I am face to face with the pilot. Nice.

I know planes are safer than automobiles...and if planes could fly about 100 feet off the ground, that would be so much better. It doesn't help that there was a plane crash just last week, and I cannot get away from the news stories! I know that most people LOVE to fly, but I'd honestly rather have a root canal. So would you please offer up a little prayer for me this week if you think about it? And if I don't make it, would you please put "I Told You So" on my tombstone?


lisamichelle said...

Most defintely will pray for you...love you tons! Just remember to breath and try to relax...call me when you get a chance!

Tammy said...

Definitely will pray...love you! I will text you later in the day to see how you are!

Denyse said...

At least with a root canal you can get some laughing gas to take the edge off!