Friday, July 4, 2008

The Guilt Train

The kids totally suckered me into taking them to play Putt-Putt one afternoon this week. Yes, I said July. They look at me with those sad little puppy dog eyes and say "we'll only play one game...please???" And of course, the guilt train leaves the station in my head with 'I should take every chance I can to play with them because they're not going to want to forever...blah, blah, blah.' And seriously all I can hear in my head is Steve singing "Watercolor Ponies" to me...first, he does not sing...second, he does this to totally make me cry...usually that uncontrollable weeping that I do when I think about the boys leaving home one day. Sad, I know.

Anyway...of course, we went. I made them promise we would only play one game and not spend a fortune in the game room...which honestly is really why they want to go play putt-putt because you have to pass by the HUGE room full of all those games with bright & shiny lights begging to have tokens stuffed in them, and they know mom's weak sometimes. We actually went late enough and Steve ended up getting to go with us. So, a Putt-Putt Victory and 2 Holes-in-One later, I was kind of liking this Putt-Putt thing. Oh yeah, I totally missed my calling as the Putt-Putt Champion.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Guilt train leaving the station . . . toot toot!!