Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Been a While...

Yeah, I know. I sometimes wonder if there is any point to a vacation...if you work extra hours before you go so you can be ready to go, and then you're behind when you get back because you've been gone...yuk. Anyway, my desk is starting to look like it has a top again.

I still owe a vacation post, and I am working on it. I've been working on our vacation DVD, so that has taken up more time because I am learning Adobe Premiere Elements for that. Seriously Adobe, it's not like I'm trying to put a man on the moon...I just want to make a DVD!

When we returned from vacation, the boys got interested in their bikes again. They've (the bikes) been sitting in the storage shed for quite a while now...unused. It wasn't too long that they discovered these bikes just weren't going to do for trail riding with their daddy.

So...the boys started shopping. They were looking for bikes they could purchase when they saved a little more money. They both had about $30-35 leftover from birthdays, and doing some yard work. We went to Academy one night...and this was their reaction when we told them they were getting bikes that night. Part of their joy is because they were getting new bikes RIGHT NOW, and the other part of their joy is that they can now use that $30-35 on other crap to fill up their playroom.

After trying them out in the store (I'm sure management was VERY happy with us), they had to try them out in the parking lot too.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Cody is so cracking me up in the pics!

And then there's Caleb who's like, "Dude - can we just go home so I can ride?"