Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Goodiness of Summer

Summer...not my favorite season. In Texas, it's just too hot. I don't do hot well. I don't sweat...because that's just not pretty, but my perspiring can be a little annoying at times. That said, there are some things I LOVE about Summer:

* No School/Sleeping In...I love having the boys home. Of course, who are we kidding...I'm always ready for them to go back because I am addicted to having a schedule, but I do love seeing their cute little faces in and out of the house all day long. But seriously...when did they start eating so much?

*Flip flops...(we used to call them thongs, but the tramps took care of that). Turns out I wear these about 10 months out of the year, but I love getting the permanent flip-flop on my foot from the sun in the summer.

*Water...of any kind...pool, lake, ocean...I'm easy. I would almost trade my first born for a couple of weeks laying on the beach with white sand and blue water as my companions...straight up.

*And this...

and this...

and this.

Ahhhh yes, Summer is good.

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