Sunday, August 10, 2008


I've been a creative being basically my whole life. As a young girl, I remember redecorating and changing the furniture around in my room many, many times. I saved up my money to purchase a matching comforter and sheet set to go with the wall color I picked out. I would sit for hours at a table in the corner of my parents' living room and cut out pictures I liked and decoupage them onto anything and everything I could find (thanks mom for turning me on to decoupage!). I love decorative paper, words, making things, scrapbooking, paints...basically anything that has to do with color, design and creativity.

I'm not really sure why I didn't pursue a degree or a career in the arts. I guess because at that time I never really saw it as a viable way to make a living...and was never really pushed to discover what a future using that passion could look like for me. I started working in an office at the age of 16, and really never veered from that course. I flitted from college to college, earning hours, but changing majors every year...trying to find something that would fit. Where were all the career counselors in my life?

Don't get me wrong...administrative work has served me well. I have supported myself, and provided a good second income after Steve and I married. God was so good to me when He opened the door for me to work for MercyMe. It's neat to look back at all the decisions that had to be made in order to get me to the desk where I took that call. It's a cool, neat, great job...I have flexibility, great perks, I get to work in an industry I love, I work for great guys...I feel like I'm a part in their ministry. I love it.

But always in my heart, I've been missing something...for there is nothing creative about accounting (well maybe when some people do it...but not me!). I told myself that art just had to be my hobby...and only done when I could go away for a weekend to do it. Never time at home...after working full time, family time, laundry, bills, and all that goes with that.

I began pouring my heart out to God about the fact that I feel like I'm not participating in any creativity in my life except for music. And I would read the Bible and see what a creative God we have...and how He made me that way. I began to read books on art and more blogs than I care to admit. I picked up and read "Chasing Daylight" again and felt inspired to "do." Then our Pastor brought a sermon one Sunday on vision...and how God places things on our heart for a reason. I know this...I've been going to church and hearing about God from the womb...but hearing it and taking action are different.

I began thinking about how art inspires me, and when I "do" art about my life and what God has done in my life and the life of my family, I feel more blessed and thankful. I began considering what that could do for other people too...and my vision took wings. Not at first of course, because you know I had to get 22 assurances from God before I would step out...I'm sure I exasperate Him!

But it did take wings, and I'm so excited about a class I am leading at my church this Fall called Legacy. We all have a story to tell...and we're going to put that story into words in this class. Please pray for me as I prepare and seek how God will use this for outreach, relationships, healing...

Psalms 119:10 (The Message)..."I'm single-minded in pursuit of you; don't let me miss the roadsigns You've posted."

This mess...

led to this.


Kristy said...

LOVE IT! I can't wait to do this class with you! Love ya sista!

lisamichelle said...

omg..this is georgous!!! i can't wait to see what you can do with the church for Alli's wedding!!!
love you bunches and I love reading your blogs...I posted a new one today..check it out!