Friday, August 29, 2008


I realize that I left you all in a worried state since I did not tell you the outcome of Mighty Hamster, and I've had several calls about his capture. I'm touched by your concern. Well, since Larry Boy made his escape two days in a row...and being in a family with law enforcement, he is now in lock down at a maximum security facility. He will serve the rest of his lifetime sentence with no chance of parole. Sad times.


Darla said...

Glad to hear he was captured and is lockdown! lol

Kristy said...

I'm so glad that the rat is under house arrest never to escape again. That is, unless he's really an overacheiver and figures out the paper clips! Then, I would just have let him roam free at the ranch with the other rats! :) {Just kidding, there are NO rats at the ranch! Right?!}