Thursday, August 21, 2008

Boys Will Be Boys

As another example of how awesome my baby daddy is...Steve took the boys on an outing before school starts to Cooper Lake State Park. There was camping, fishing, biking, cooking, peeing outside, baiting to catch animals, and stories. They encountered all sorts of wild life...raccoons, deer, rats (yuk), more raccoons, armadillo, bunny rabbit (awww), fish, hawk, and vultures (who were feasting on 2 dead raccoons and a dead armadillo... double YUK). It wasn't quite "roughing it" since they stayed in an air-conditioned cabin (it is August in Texas people)...but they did cook all their food over a fire...which they thought was totally cool. They're always up for an adventure...and they usually find one!

Thank you babe...for creating memories for a lifetime.


Tammy said...

Isn't it scary that he took that picture while he was driving? That's a cop for ya!! :)

lisamichelle said...

sounds like they had fun!