Monday, November 3, 2008

Last Minute School Projects

6th Grade is shaping up to be Project Year....Super Excited about that (read that with lots of sarcasm)! This was the Reflections project that everyone can do, but is required in the 6th grade. The theme this year was "Wow!", and this was Cody's interpretion of that. He impressed me because he worked on this for several weeks, but then of course waited until the night before to finish the last country, marker outline, and color the whole thing.

I am proud though...he did not trace this, he drew every part of it. He has WAY more patience to stay true on project details...I so would have started drawing the first continent and then turned it into an abstract drawing of a butterfly or something that DID NOT require exactness. Notice the tongue in the picture...that is inherited from his Grammy.

And then, there's this. I'm not even gonna rant about finding out about school projects the night before they're due because I know every family in these United States goes through this...and if you don't, I don't even want to hear about your perfect children. This is the precious project we got to spend our evening tonight doing...I, um, of course, mean what Cody got to spend his night doing... except for the driving to Hobby Lobby and plopping down almost $16 for clothing for a POTATO! I can't even make this stuff up people.

And even though Cody mentioned this project 5 weeks ago when it was assigned, the next I heard about it was after school today when he says, "we need to go to Michaels to get stuff for my potato project that's due tomorrow." And after I beat him senseless (only in my thoughts), I took some deep breaths and went to my happy place.

Yes, it's a potato...and it's Daniel Boone sans arms and legs of course. I don't even want to know what the teacher who thought this up did during her college years!

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