Thursday, April 2, 2009

Here We Go Again

Remember this? Surely so...because it was only a short 13 days ago. We abided by all the doctor's orders and instructions...and it seemed to work. Caleb had 3 full days of 'well' eyes...and seemed to be doing fine. Well other than developing strep throat sometime on Tuesday and missing school on Wednesday. Then this morning, he woke up with a swollen, red eye. I just laughed because seriously...this is our house the past 2 weeks.

I know alot of you have much more serious illnesses and stuff going on in your house...but I am feeling beat down...seriously beat down.

So is he.

I called to see if we could get him in to an opthamologist close to us but was told we needed to follow up with the same Dr that saw him after his "accident" off we go to get him from school and make the drive over to that Dr. He and his dad entertained themselves while waiting for the doc...

and then when he was examining all of this...

he said, "now that's technology."

Come to find out...Caleb now has a bacterial infection that is highly contagious. Does that make your eyes itchy just thinking about it? So no school the rest of the touching each other...washing hands alot...stronger antibiotics.

After we picked up his school work and sat at the kitchen table working on it all afternoon, I seriously felt like I was a homeschool mom. And I am so not cut out for that. Thank you God for great teachers and great schools! After a while he said, "Mom I can't keep my eyes open"...and he was like this in about 30 seconds... I have to sterilize my favorite blankie and my favorite Target pillow!


lisamichelle said...

God love his heart! Please give him a big hug for us! Love you and praying for him!

Anonymous said...

It hurts me to see his little eye like that....and to see him with fever.....I know there are children with much worse stuff....and i'm sure their Grammy's hurt with them too. I wish I could make it all better for him .... and YOu!!!

Love, MOM