Sunday, February 24, 2008


In Sunday School right now, we are studying the book of Acts which deals with the early church. We covered 6 verses out of Chapter 2 today, and there was a word someone used when we were discussing why the early church devoted themselves to fellowship and taking care of each other. That word was "urgency." It got me to really thinking about why we do what we do as Christians. It seems like we've really lost the feeling of urgency...we act like there's plenty of time to witness to the lost before Christ's return. But the truth is, we need to feel the urgency more than ever. We devote so much of our life to being the perfect mom, wife, making sure our homes are showcases and our children are dressed and coiffed appropriately, to making sure we're happy and our children are happy...there's very little thought about things that last forever.

Erwin McManus says this in his book "The Barbarian Way" (one of my favorite books!): "To claim we believe is simply not enough. The call of Jesus is one that demands action. Jesus began His public ministry with a simple invitation: 'Come, follow Me.' His closing instructions to His disciples can be summarized in one word, 'Go.'...The invitation of Jesus is a revolutionary call to fight for the heart of humanity. We are called to an unconventional war using only the weapons of faith, hope and love....And for those of us who embrace the cause of Christ, the cost to participate in the mission of God is nothing less than everything we are and everything we have."

I want HIS mission to be everything I am and everything I have. I want to feel the urgency of people that need to see faith, hope and love.

Please pray for Cody, Caleb and myself, who along with 21 other women and children from our Families in Training Sunday School class are going to minister and serve others in New Orleans during Spring Break.

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