Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School 2009

Today was the first day of school...a day that marks the end of sleeping in, riding roller coasters, riding bikes, and playing in the water for a while. And every year when this day arrives, I'm amazed at how fast the summer went...and how fast my babies are growing up.

The night before always brings a flood of memories washing over me. As I playfully tousled their hair and brushed the bridge of their noses with my finger, I wondered when their baby face became so defined. I wondered when their arms became so muscular and hands became so strong. I wondered when I went from playing 'this little piggy' with their toes to their feet growing to be so big. I remember watching their eager eyes as they listened to the lyrical rhythm of me reading Goodnight Moon time and time again.

And as I leaned in to kiss them goodnight, they were in kindergarten all over again...waiting for butterfly kisses and bedtime prayers. Waiting for dreams of dinosaurs and red wagons. And I... I was savoring this moment...treasuring this memory.

As my strong, handsome boys left for Jr. High and 5th grade this morning, I swallowed hard and thanked God for every new day He's given me with them.

Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere.

1 comment:

Grammy/Mom said...

Well, now you made me cry.......they are not 'our babies' any more...and that makes me sad! Not that they are growing up...really, but that we just don't have any babies anymore! I guess we thought we'd have them little awhile longer if we lived right next door!!!! who knew..that doesn't keep them little???? I hope they'll still have time to come see ole Gram & Pop-pop! Love them to the Moon n back!!!!