Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Know You Don't Deserve This

I know this is supposed to be Sweet Design Wednesday but I'm so behind on posts, I just decided to throw this one out there because something made me think of it today...and since for about the past 3 weeks I've been having memory issues probably related to this, but possibly related to menopause (since I'm blaming any shortcoming on my part these days on that even though I have no definite evidence that I am entering menopause), any time I think of something that happened in the past, I'm probably going to blog about it...even if it's not a great memory because it's a memory and one day I probably won't have any of those anymore... between the family history of Alzheimers and MS...I'm basically screwed...and yes that was the longest run-on sentence in sue me...I wasn't an English major, but I always did really good in English...or is it 'did really well' in English?...I probably should have majored in it. So anyway, I was reading something today about "kids pooping in pools" and it made me remember the time when my kids were younger...and summers were spent just finding a suitable pool where they could play in the water without drowning and I could either play with them or play with the other mothers that were there because seriously playgroups are more about the moms than the kids...and if anyone tries to tell you differently, they're lying....I am not even kidding.

Anyway, this one day we went to a small community pool that was mostly 1-2 feet all the way through and had lots of things to play on for the this...
This is around the time Caleb had just finished potty basically it was our first time at the pool with him wearing a swimsuit with no swim diaper. I think you can see where this is going...and it's not going to be pretty.

At some point during my in-depth conversation with my playgroup friends about politics or world peace or 'can you believe that Justin Timberlake left Britney Spears for Christina about moving from skank to skankee' and other important things like that, they started blowing the "get the heck out of the pool because someone pooped in the pool" whistle. I was ticked. Why would someone bring their kid that wasn't potty trained and let them loose in the pool when we were all enjoying such a nice play day with our friends and now we're going to have to listen to them all whine and cry because they have to get out of the pool?

I called Cody out of the pool, then picked up Caleb to take him to our chairs to wait out the "cleaning"...and I noticed his swimsuit was a little brown around the bottom edges. Oh my precious little munchkin was the pooper! HE CLEARED THE POOL! Did I announce this? Did I apologize? Um, NO. I wrapped him in a beach towel...asked him loudly where everyone could hear..."do you wanna go pee-pee while we have some time to kill?" He was starting to say he pooped in his pants...but I started talking really loudly and walking very quickly toward the restrooms so he couldn't be heard. I would not be that mom. I got him cleaned up...but the evidence was still lingering...if you get my drift. We had to call it a day.

What did I learn from that experience? It was going to be a LONG time before I let the boys go swimming again without swim diapers. Caleb finally talked me out of them for camp last year.

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